Your home cannot look brighter until you don't clean your windows. Windows cleaning is pretty simple but the results that you get after cleaning are just mind-blowing. One simple clean can elevate the look of your home to such a high extent that you can't even imagine.

Window cleaning consists of a lot of steps. But when you follow the tips and tricks, then you can achieve the best results in no time. Isn't it amazing? Yeah, it is. Well, if you're not sure about the results then you can get window cleaning services from Between Cleaning LLC. If you want to do it on your own, then stay connected with me.

Following article uncovers the simple tips which can grant you the best results ever. Don't go anywhere and just read the article with focus to become a pro in window cleaning.

Why do you need to clean the windows?

Before cleaning the windows, it's important to understand why windows require cleaning. With the passage of time, the condition of windows gets worse. So, you should not leave them as such.

As windows are exposed to the outdoors, therefore, they get dirty naturally. This, in turn, reduces the shine and sparkle of windows. Due to this, the overall look of the home gets destroyed. Therefore, window cleaning is extremely important.

Buildups form on the windows when you don't clean them regularly. Not only this, but the accumulation of dust is also going to amaze you while cleaning. Windows can be considered as another home for bugs and birds. This kind of dirt may last forever if you will not pay any attention to the windows cleaning.

Some simple and effective tips…

You may get the results just after following the steps but when you will go for the tips then results will amaze you. You can make this task time saving and effective just by following the tips mentioned below. So, what are we waiting for? Let's dig into the details of the article to achieve the best results.

  • Remove the dust with ease:

Are you getting anxious by seeing a lot of dust in corners? Let me tell you something that can help you out in this case. Just detach the dusting attachment from the vacuum cleaner and start removing the dust. You can also use any other hard brush for this purpose. For the corners that are extremely hard to reach, you can use a toothbrush. In this way, you can get rid of dust with ease.

  • Home cleaning solutions are way better than others:

If you can make a cleaning mixture at your home then why are you feeling the need to buy it from the market? Yeah, you have heard it right. You can make it at home. There are different kinds of solutions. So, we will keep an eye on them one by one.

  • Soapy water is the best solution to go for. You can mix dishwashing liquid in hot water. Mix it well until you start seeing the bubbles. Now it's ready for application.
  • White vinegar is the oldest but effective kind of solution for window cleaning. It's quite better than other cleaning solutions. It is natural, therefore, it will not pollute the environment with odor. How's that? Just wow.
  • Here is another way to get the best results. Mix some tea in hot water until the color changes. Now, use a towel for application. You will not be able to believe your eyes after seeing the results.

These homemade cleaning mixtures are enough for best results.

  • Best time to clean the windows:

Many people think that sunny days are the best days for window cleaning. But it's actually not. You can get better results on cloudy days. Sunlight will start to dry the cleaning solution immediately and you will not get the time to wash it. In this way, the marks will be left on the windows. And it will become hard for you to remove them. So, always choose cloudy days in case of window cleaning.

  • Easily get access to hard to reach areas:

The top of the windows is quite hard to reach. But you should not worry about this. You can clean the top areas with the help of extendable mop. Dip the mop in the solution and clean the upper part of the windows.

  • Use vacuum for curtains:

Without curtains, the overall look of windows is incomplete. Instead of washing the curtains again and again, it's better to vacuum them. This will remove all the dust from curtains and you will get the clean ones.

  • Keep on changing the directions while wiping:

Don't wipe the windows in the same direction. Keep on changing the directions continuously. Start from wiping the circular direction and end up on wiping it in the horizontal direction. In this way, you can clean it in no time.


You will have to follow some of the precautions for reducing the damage.

  • Don't use a cleaning mix that contains harsh chemicals. Because it can destroy the materials used in windows. Also, the glass is very delicate.
  • If the brush is extremely hard then no need to use it on the glass. This may break the glass.
  • Try to use a towel or microfiber cloth for cleaning the windows. Avoid using newspapers. Because it may leave some stubborn marks on the glass.
  • Wash the windows right after applying the cleaning mix. Don't leave it for a prolonged period. It can make windows more dirty.

Final Verdict:

Adding some tips to the cleaning process boosts the results. Sometimes, the cleaning process gets worse if you don't follow the tips and precautions. This not only saves your time but also enhances the overall look of your home. Well, in some cases you may save your bucks too. So, read the above-written article if you haven't read it yet. And thanks to me later after getting the best results ever.