Half ball balance trainer is an exercise ball cut in half with platforms on the bottom. Balance trainers are great pieces of fitness equipment for cardio exercises. They can be used either with their ball side up or flat side up. Both sides violate the law of balance, forcing users to exert muscle mass.

Different types of half balls: You can choose any item

  • "Bosu" half Ball trainer
  • "Bosu elite" half-ball trainer
  • "Bosu sport" balance trainer
  • "Bosu pro" trainer
  • "Yogu" half-ball
  • "Limm" half ball
  • "Sportneer" balance ball trainer
  • "Yes4all" balance trainer
  • "Lifepro" balance trainer half ball
  • "Vivohome anti-slip" half-balance ball
  • "Pilates" half-ball

Choosing the best half ball and following the steps to reach your goal will help you improve your core strength and challenge your body.

How to use a half ball balance trainer:

Advanced people can perform wave-speed squats by standing on a flat platform, making sure they turn their hips back as far as possible and tighten their cores.


Keep your hands on the bosu ball's plane and your abs tight so that you can both improve pectoral muscles and enhance body balance control.


Put your upper body on the half ball and bend your knees comfortably. Put your hands on your back, tighten your abs, and sit up. Your breathing and movement rhythms should be mindful. Compared to ordinary sit-ups, the bosu ball increases instability, bringing an upgraded sit-up workout.

Plank position:

Advanced students can place their elbows on the ground, their feet on the rounded surface, and then tighten their cores and do planks.


To maintain a constant breathing speed, feet on a round surface, legs up alternately, and hands naturally swing.

One-leg standing:

This is for advanced trainers. Start by standing with your feet on the ball, tighten your core, lift one foot, hold for 45 seconds, and then switch sides.

In addition to the half-ball exercise, you should try the full-ball exercise.

How to Choose the Best Exercise Ball

It is crucial to select the correct size exercise ball for exercising effectively. Some guidelines have been developed by physical therapists, exercise trainers, and other professionals for selecting the appropriate size exercise ball because personal consultations are only sometimes possible.

An exercise ball, when sitting upright, provides the following benefits:

  • It is essential to keep your feet flat on the ground and to distribute your weight evenly.
  • Hips and knees should be 90 degrees or slightly more significant at the hips and knees (thighs parallel to the ground or pointing down slightly).
  • It is best for the pelvis, shoulders, and ears to all be vertical - the body should not lean in any direction as a counterbalance. Bouncing up and down lightly will usually achieve this alignment.

There are five different diametric sizes of exercise balls. Each size is appropriate for people with different body compositions. Due to the exercise balls' flexibility and resistance, weight is also an essential factor in determining ball size, in addition to height.

This is a general guideline for height correspondence to exercise ball diameter (assuming average body weight and height are the same):

Diameter of exercise ball

Height of the person

45 cm

Less than 5' 

55 cm

5'1"– 5'8"

65 cm

5'9"– 6'2"

75 cm

6'3"– 6'7"

85 cm

More than 6'8" tall

The next larger exercise ball size should be used if the weight-to-height ratio is larger than the average. Most exercise balls can be adjusted to compensate for hip and knee angles greater than 90 degrees.

5 Benefits of Half Ball Exercises

The half-balance ball benefits are not limited to just physical improvement. Improved balance and stability can also help you perform daily activities with greater ease and confidence, reduce the risk of falls and injuries, and increase your overall quality of life.

  1. Improves Balance and Stability:

You can improve balance and stability by using a half ball. To maintain balance, you must actively engage your core muscles and micro-adjust your balance on and off the ball due to its unstable surface. You can target specific muscle groups with the half ball and improve your balance in a controlled, safe way. To keep balance when performing squats on the ball, you need to engage your core and leg muscles, which can increase strength and stability. Your stabilizer muscles are engaged when you do ball balance exercises, which improves your balance. Half-balance balls have other benefits besides just physical improvement. Improved balance and stability can make everyday activities easier, reduce the risk of falls, and increase your quality of life.

  • Increases Strength and Flexibility:

Half stability balls also increase strength and flexibility by targeting and challenging muscle groups that traditional exercises may not target and challenge. By forcing your muscles to maintain balance on an unstable surface, the half ball increases strength.

For example, doing pushups on the ball will strengthen your chest, arms, core, and stabilizer muscles. The ball can also increase strength and flexibility and target specific muscle groups.

Half-balls also allow for a more fantastic range of motion during exercises, which can help prevent injuries and increase flexibility.

  • Enhances Cardiovascular Fitness:

Half balls enhance cardiovascular fitness by adding a level of challenge to cardio exercises. As a result of the unstable surface of the ball, your heart rate and workout intensity increase.

Using the half ball, for instance, you can perform jumping jacks or high knees to engage your core and stabiliser muscles. With the ball, you can add an extra layer of intensity and challenge to your HIIT routine.

Your cardio routine can also be improved with the ball, as it can improve coordination and agility.

  • Increases Range of Motion of Using Half Ball Balance Trainer:

Exercises with a half-ball can increase the range of motion as they provide a more excellent range of motion. Your muscles have to work harder to maintain balance on the ball, which leads to greater flexibility and mobility.

You can increase your range of motion in your legs and hips by making lunges on a half-balance ball since your body has to work harder to balance on an unstable surface. Stretching exercises on the ball can also improve flexibility and range of motion.

You can reduce the risk of injury and improve your quality of life by incorporating the trainer ball into your exercise regimen.

  • Provides a Low-Impact Workout:

Bosu/ Bosu elite/ Bosu pro/ Yogu/ Limm/ Sportneer/ Yes4all/ Lifepro/ Pilates/ Vivohome anti-slip balls provide low-impact workouts because of their unstable surface, which absorbs and distributes impact, reducing joint stress. For those who suffer from joint pain or are recovering from an injury, this workout can be particularly beneficial since it reduces joint stress while still providing an effective and challenging workout.

The unstable surface of the ball helps to absorb and distribute impact during exercises like pushups or squats. Half balls can also be used for cardio workouts, such as jumping jacks and high knees, which are low-impact but effective.

Kids half ball:

Besides, you also use mini bosu balls for your kids.


You can add variety to your workout by incorporating the half-ball balance trainer into your routine since the unstable surface provides a new challenge. This workout includes ab crunches, bridges, single-leg balances, side lunges, pushups, side planks, oblique crunches, lunges, and squats. You can do arm, shoulder, chest, and back exercises freely with this half ball, so they complement your regular workout routine.