Forming a formidable and strong team or learning the rules and regulations of turf cricket isn't the ultimate thing to do. Although these are as necessary as possible, you won't be able to enjoy the match as planned unless you get your hands over the best venue. Nowadays, box cricket has gained immense popularity in the urban areas and metropolitan cities. So, you may not have difficulty in finding versatile options for the sports arena in your city. However, the problem will arise when you need to pinpoint a single location for your upcoming match. One wrong move and your investment will go down the drain, no matter how substantial it is. Besides, you won't be able to enjoy in the expected manner at a wrong indoor cricket location. It certainly sounds like a dilemmatic situation, which is why you require a proper guide following which you can make the best decision and book box cricket venues in Ahmedabad with no interim hiccups. That being said, we have curated a detailed guidebook, explaining the major factors you should keep on mind while surfing through all the venue options you have in your city. One thing we can assure you is that our guide will definitely make you a pro in venue selection for turf cricket, regardless of your purpose or any other variable. 

Why choosing the right sport venue is crucial for box cricket enthusiasts?

At the very beginning, many will question about the significance of a venue for playing two innings of box cricket, especially since it's primarily organized just to have fun or practice for an upcoming match. Truth be told, everything should have a proper decorum. And if you don't pay attention to the cricket venue you are booking for the match, there might be several unforeseen circumstances. By the time you realize the fact, it would be too late to reverse your decision. So, to clarify your doubt, we have mentioned here a few reasons for which choosing the best cricket venue for turf games is imminent for every box cricket enthusiast. 

  1. A proper venue will create the perfect vibes necessary for setting the mood needed to play the game. It will motivate you to play fairly and win the match for your team. 
  2. If you do not choose a correct venue, it might create hassles in transportation for you or the team members, something you most certainly want to avoid at any cost. 
  3. When you select a perfect venue for turf cricket, you won't have to worry about the pitch condition and can start playing the game easily. Scoring the runs will be easier and there won't be any argument about the poor pitch condition or net area. 
  4. If you are looking for a serious indoor cricket match, the venue will indeed matter a lot, especially as it will help you avoid the distraction to the maximum. 
  5. Also, the correct choice of the venue is crucial for your guests so that they can enjoy the game as well as avail the facilities, like food, water supply, washrooms, and lounge area. 

What factors to remember while surfing through different turf cricket venues?

Since now you know the reasons for choosing the right venue for box cricket, we hope you won't have any problem in investing a little of your time and efforts in the scrutiny process. With this being said, let's have a look at the major factors which will have a huge influence on your selection of the turf cricket arena.

Arena and ground size

Firstly, most people make a mistake in looking at only the size of the cricket ground and not the entire arena. Both these factors are essential for ensuring the place will be apt for meeting your purpose head-on. The sport arena is often inclusive of the resting area, lounge, netted area, and the actual field. Hence, check out how big this portion is at the concerned venue. If it's too compact, you might have difficulty in maneuvering around outside the netted zone. Similarly, if the area is too humongous, not all the floor space will be utilized and your investment won't give fruitful returns. 

Secondly, you should decide the actual size of the cricket ground you want to play on. For a casual or fun match, choosing a smaller field of size 6X6 or 7X7 will be sufficient. However, if you are planning for a fully-fledged match or a practice session, it would be best if you stick with a larger ground having a size of 10X10. It will give you more space for fielding and running without any constraint. 

Pitch size and field quality

You should also pay close attention to the pitch size of the chosen box cricket venue. Usually, the pitch length remains consistent throughout. However, there could be minute alterations, which is why confirming the dimension will be of huge help. At least, then you could plan your batting strategy and ensure to grab maximum runs for your scoreboard. Since the pitch of box cricket venues won't be as long as the traditional cricket grounds, you won't have to worry much. 

Apart from this, you should also check if the quality of the turf ground is amicable or not. For instance, if the grass surface feels stiff against your bare foot, it might become difficult for you to field. Besides, the ball might behave erratically if the grass is not in its optimal condition. Ask the venue management group about the maintenance methods they usually implement for keeping the sports arena at its prime state. 

Reviews and testimonials

Truth be told, deciding if the venue is apt for your upcoming box cricket match won't be easy just by looking at its size or field condition. So, if you want to book box cricket venues in Ahmedabad, take a look at the reviews and testimonials from past users. It will give you valuable insights about the real-time condition of the field and help you weigh your options with ease. Furthermore, it will also make it easier for you to decide if the investment you are planning to make is worthy enough or not. 


Now that we have explained the major three factors you need to keep on mind while looking through different box cricket venues, there shouldn't be anymore hiccup. Several online booking platforms like Cricbuddy will help you check the profiles of different indoor cricket arenas at once for easier decision-making process. Also, you can take full advantage of their discounts and special pricing offers during booking.