Safeguarding children is an essential responsibility for anyone who works with or cares for young people. 

The statistics paint a stark picture of the challenges faced, and they underscore the importance of taking proactive steps to protect children from harm. 

Safeguarding statistics in England and Wales provide valuable insights into the prevalence of child and adult protection issues. From the report released, it is important to raise safeguarding champions and equip them with the necessary level of safeguarding training.

This article will explore recent data on child protection (as at 202/2021 by ONS UK) and discuss why those in charge of children must act to reduce these issues.

The Current State of Child Protection

  1. Children in Need

In the 2021/22 period, there were 389,260 children in need in England. This figure represents children who require additional support, whether due to abuse, neglect, or other significant difficulties. When we talk about children "in need," we are referring to those who may not have their basic needs met and who are at risk of harm.

What This Means: This high number indicates a significant challenge in ensuring that every child receives the care and protection they need. It highlights the widespread issues of neglect and abuse and the need for a strong and effective child protection system. For the most recent figures, please see the uk government website.

  1. Child Protection Plans

In 2022, around 50,000 children in England were subject to a child protection plan. This plan is designed for children who are at risk of significant harm. The plan outlines the actions that must be taken to keep these children safe and ensure their needs are met.

What This Means: The need for 50,000 protection plans shows the severe risk faced by a substantial number of children. It underscores the importance of having robust processes in place to monitor and support children who are at risk.

  1. Children Taken into Care

During 2021/22, 82,170 children were taken into care in England. This figure reflects the number of children removed from their homes because their safety could not be guaranteed. Being taken into care is a last resort when other interventions have failed or are not possible.

What This Means: The high number of children entering care illustrates the serious nature of the issues these children face at home. It highlights the need for preventative measures and support systems to reduce the need for removal from their families.

  1. Serious Incident Notifications

In 2020/21, there were 536 serious incident notifications in England, including 223 child deaths. Serious incident notifications are reports made when a child dies or is seriously harmed, and it is suspected that abuse or neglect might have been a factor.

What This Means: These statistics are deeply concerning as they reveal not just the scale of harm but also the tragic loss of life among children. They call for a review of current safeguarding practices and highlight the critical need for timely interventions to prevent such tragedies.

  1. Abuse Among Young People

In 2021, about 1 in 6 children aged 11-16 in England and Wales experienced some form of abuse. This statistic includes physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. It represents a significant proportion of young people who are exposed to harmful experiences.

What This Means: This high rate of abuse among adolescents underscores the urgent need for effective preventative measures and education. It also highlights the importance of listening to children and creating safe spaces where they can report abuse.

  1. NSPCC Helpline Contacts

In 2021/22, the NSPCC helpline received 76,562 contacts from people concerned about a child's welfare. The NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) provides support and advice to those worried about child safety.

What This Means: The large number of contacts reflects a high level of public concern and the crucial role of helplines in safeguarding children. It shows that people are willing to report concerns, which is a positive sign, but it also points to the ongoing need for awareness and support.

  1. Childline Counselling Sessions

In 2020/21, Childline delivered 200,000 counselling sessions to children and young people. These sessions offer support to those who have experienced abuse or other difficulties and need someone to talk to.

What This Means: The volume of counselling sessions highlights the widespread need for emotional and psychological support among young people. It stresses the importance of accessible, confidential support services for children in distress.

  1. Child Sexual Abuse Offences

In 2019/20, there were 49,570 recorded offences of child sexual abuse in England and Wales. This statistic reveals the extent of sexual abuse reported to the police.

What This Means: The number of recorded offences underscores the severe issue of child sexual abuse and the need for robust systems to prevent, report, and address such abuse. It also highlights the importance of educating children and adults about recognising and responding to sexual abuse.

  1. Sexual Abuse Among Young People

In 2021, around 1 in 7 girls and 1 in 20 boys in the UK experienced sexual abuse before the age of 16. This figure demonstrates that sexual abuse affects a significant number of young people, with girls being more commonly affected.

What This Means: These statistics illustrate the prevalence of sexual abuse and the need for targeted prevention strategies. They also highlight the importance of ensuring that children have access to education and support to protect them from such abuse.

  1. Support for Sexual Exploitation Victims

In 2020/21, 18,720 children were identified as needing support due to sexual exploitation. This statistic shows the number of children who have been identified as victims of sexual exploitation and require intervention.

What This Means: The large number of children needing support highlights the critical need for specialised services to address sexual exploitation. It calls for greater awareness and resources to support these vulnerable children.

  1. Domestic Abuse

In 2022, it was estimated that 1 million children in England were living with domestic abuse (source: NCDV UK). This statistic reflects the extent of domestic abuse impacting children's lives.

What This Means: The high number of children living with domestic abuse indicates a severe issue that affects many young people's safety and well-being. It underscores the need for effective support services for families and children experiencing domestic violence.

  1. Risk of Child Sexual Exploitation

In 2021/22, 67,980 children in England were assessed as being at risk of child sexual exploitation. This assessment shows the number of children identified as being at risk of exploitation and needing protective measures.

What This Means: The significant number of children at risk of sexual exploitation highlights the need for comprehensive safeguarding strategies and interventions. It also shows the importance of early identification and support to prevent exploitation.

Why Those in Charge Must Act

The statistics outlined above demonstrate the urgent need for everyone involved in the care and protection of children to take their responsibilities seriously. 

Each figure represents a child whose safety and well-being are at risk, and it is crucial that those in charge implement effective safeguarding measures.

  1. Prevention and Education

One of the most effective ways to reduce these issues is through prevention and education. By teaching children about their rights, recognising signs of abuse, and encouraging them to speak up, we can empower them to protect themselves. Additionally, educating adults about how to spot and respond to signs of abuse is essential in creating a safer environment for children.

  1. Support Systems

Robust support systems must be in place to assist children who are at risk or who have experienced abuse. This includes access to counselling, support services, and safe spaces where they can receive help. Ensuring that these services are available and accessible is critical in addressing the needs of vulnerable children.

  1. Reporting and Intervention

Effective reporting mechanisms must be established to ensure that concerns about a child's welfare are addressed promptly. Encouraging people to report suspicions and concerns, and providing clear procedures for doing so, is vital in preventing harm and ensuring that children receive the support they need.

  1. Training and Resources

Those in charge of children must receive adequate training and resources to carry out their safeguarding responsibilities effectively. This includes understanding current legislation, recognising signs of abuse, and knowing how to respond appropriately. 

Investing in safeguarding training and resources is crucial for ensuring that safeguarding measures are effective.


The statistics on child protection reveal a pressing need for action to safeguard children and young people. 

By understanding the scale of the issues and taking proactive steps to prevent and address abuse, those in charge can make a significant difference in the lives of vulnerable children. Safeguarding is a collective responsibility, and by working together, we can create a safer environment where every child can thrive.